Sunday, May 8, 2011

Water For Elephants Movie Trailer Official (HD)

This was my Mother's Day time out this evening (aggravation v. acknowdgement on any day not about them) with Gene.

I thought the movie was fairly true to the book with only a few liberties, especially the change of setting from a nursing home to the office of an actual circus.

I enjoyed the book a few years ago (and yes, I know it was not great literature, but a good read.) I think I liked the movie even more. Some critics have panned Robert Pattison's performance and age in the role of Jacob. It is difficult to cast some characters in my head with today's young actors as I know so few of them anymore. I have only seen bits and pieces of this young man in the Twilight videos around my house and can only say that Mr. Pattison was ok in Water for Elephants.

Reese Witherspoon is always good, but probably a little old for the character although not so noticeable if you haven't read the book and already know the character of Marlena was in her 20s.

Christopher Waltz as August? I still hate him - Christopher Waltz and the character of August. He must be an incredible actor to solicit such strong feelings from movie goers. He was evil personified in Inglorious Basterds and despicable in Water for Elephants.

I whole heartedly recommend this movie, but know that you will have to cover your eyes at times. The cinematography is beautiful and I love period movies. This movie's attention to the details of the early 1930s reminded me of Cinderella Man.

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