Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Outlander Series

I read about this series a few years ago, probably around 2005. The Post and Courier (aka the Newsless Courier) had a Librarian's Corner series in which the librarian recommended the Outlander series as "wonderful, but for the brave of heart." She also recommended starting with the first book, Outlander,to better follow the character development. I was thrilled to find this series as I love discovering authors who already have a few books under their belts. I don't have to wait on the next release if I really enjoy the book.

Outlander was intense. Several hundred pages later I was so hooked on Jamie and Clare that I began Dragonfly in Amber as soon as I finished Outlander. I had to take a week long break after Dragonfly in Amber in order to find a copy of Voyager. I bought Drums of Autumn and The Fiery Cross at the same time I purchased Voyager so I wouldn't have to endure another break in between books. I read the first five books in the series in about 6 weeks, I read every night late into the night. I barely heard my husband talking as I read whenever we were in the car together. The Outlander series isn't just a romance series or improbable time travel. The historical detail is incredible. Diana Gabaldon has crafted a complex series of characters based on historical events. Best of all, each book was 800 to a 1000 pages. Life seemed a little surreal when I finished the first five books as though I were emerging from the 18th century into the modern world. Scenes and lines from the books would pop into my mind at random moments.

I had to wait a year or so until the sixth book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes was published. I was not disappointed and after reading it, I listened to the entire book on CD over a period of about 2 months. I had to save the CD version for times I was alone in the car as the girls enoy books on cd and I couldn't take their questions six books into the series.

The seventh book, An Echo in the Bone, was satisfying, but ended on a cliffhanger, so I have been biding my time, checking DianaGabaldon.com (click the German flag at the upper left hand of the site for the German edition) for tantalizing bites of the next installment.

I love to read, so much more than watching TV. I tried to instill in the girls that books were sort of TV for the mind. The twins are readers, but the oldest seems to be content with reading children's books to the little ones. I am purchasing a Nook Color this weekend and will buy the ebook edition of The Outlandish Companion. This was a summary of character development, historical research, drawings, etc. of the first four novels. I have thumbed through it several times without purchasing as I didn't need any help, but I think it will be a good reference/guide in the color e-edition.

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