Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Kawasaki, let the good times roll!

This was one of my favorite parts of vacation (tied with the spa package). Portsmouth Island access by boat,short/buggy trip to the village, but the majority of the time: ATVing on 22 miles of beach with the occassional Bones led search for shells.
The guys started out driving, but it was soon time for "I want to drive!"

Photo op as the guys get to drive the ATVs inland and march back through skeeterville while the ladies enjoy some dc (diet coke) with their toes in the water and ...

Portsmouth Island/Village w/ Bones

We went on an excursion to Portsmouth Island. We met Captain Austin and our guide, Bones, at the Jolly Roger dock for a boat trip over to Portsmouth Island
The mosquito population weighed heavily on our group's (hello Mandy and Michael) decision to not explore all of the village buildings. We were satisfied with an aerial view!

Monday, May 30, 2011

At the beach on Ocracoke and Happy Birthday Lori!

3 Mile Beach Road
Ah, life is a beach...
Late afternoon light.

And a Happy Birthday shout out to Aunt Lori! LORDY, LORDY, LORI is 40! Lori and Jerry had 40th birthdays this month and celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary! Yes, I mailed her a bag of black balloons.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Xenia House

Our home away from home for the week. No beach front housing on this treasure of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Bicycles are the primary mode of transportation around the village. 4x4s are for driving on the beach and setting up to fish. This was the first time we had been to the OBX in many years without 4 wheel drive. Someone thought his V8 truck would be fine, but we spent much of our first couple of hours on the beach digging the truck out of the sand. Thank goodness there are no pictures of that scene! We were finally pulled out only to get stuck a second time. Everyone learned their lesson and future beach trips will be at one of the walk over sites!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

OBX Bound

The ferry from Cedar Island to Ocracoke is 2.25 hours long.It was a beautiful afternoon as we caught the 1pm ferry to Ocracoke Island (the southern most inhabited island of the OBX).

Goodbye Cedar Island

Hello Ocracoke

Beaufort, NC

The land of Nicholas Sparks.
I spend so much time in Beaufort (Bufort), SC that it is always interesting to wander the little town of Beaufort(Bofort), NC. We had a great breakfast at an intown diner and Charlotte was able to buy her favorite new hat at the Beaufort General Store.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Destination: Morehead City

Just an overnight visit, but a few sites of interest.
The Morehead City Motor Lodge? Inexpensive,no amenities, but not as bad as the Wilmert ( somewhere off I95 in Virginia.)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Maddie and Jack

We had dinner with Kristy, Jack, and Maddie at the children's choice...Chik-Fil-A before going on vacation.

We also visited my brother and family to give my oldest nephew and his fiancee a wedding present and my younger nephew a high school graduation present. Kudos to Jack and Maddie for being good and playing Wii w/ my niece.

Jimmy and family.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Taj Mahal performs at Wofford's 2011 Commencement

MUSC had Darius Rucker, but this is super cool. Sadly, I was 30 years too early for this commencement.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

First Beers -Quite an Adventure

We had dinner @ Home Team Barbeque - Carrie and Charlotte's choice. They have an extensive history of over ordering @ Home Team so I suggested they buy their own meal. Carrie, of course, had no money so Charlotte paid for their dinner. We overheard the girls ordering a beer, a Newcastle at first until they decided they might not like Newcastle. The Home Team staff were very accomodating and gave them each a pilsner. Charlotte had to pull out her id a couple fo times and explain they are now 21 and can order whatever they want.

I chose to sit at another table and it was still hilarious. Charlotte sputtered over her first few sips, then began to pour it out until her Dad intercepted (no reason to waste a beer). Carrie must have found the pilsner too bitter as she soon began to pour packets of Splenda in her beer(total waste of a beer).

We didn't laugh too much, but did suggest ordering wine the next time since they both have enjoyed a little wine on special occassions. They were amazed: "You can order wine in a bar?"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Darius Rucker - Come Back Song

Good song and great Charleston video!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Chocolate Tree

Working in Beaufort on Thursday and Friday. I walked back to the office from USCB on Thursday afternoon and this sign beckoned entrance. Of course, it smells wonderful inside the chocolate tree, but I was good and only bought a sugar free turtle.

Another favorite is the statue of a child riding a dolphin as I round the corner on Bay Street.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Outlander Series

I read about this series a few years ago, probably around 2005. The Post and Courier (aka the Newsless Courier) had a Librarian's Corner series in which the librarian recommended the Outlander series as "wonderful, but for the brave of heart." She also recommended starting with the first book, Outlander,to better follow the character development. I was thrilled to find this series as I love discovering authors who already have a few books under their belts. I don't have to wait on the next release if I really enjoy the book.

Outlander was intense. Several hundred pages later I was so hooked on Jamie and Clare that I began Dragonfly in Amber as soon as I finished Outlander. I had to take a week long break after Dragonfly in Amber in order to find a copy of Voyager. I bought Drums of Autumn and The Fiery Cross at the same time I purchased Voyager so I wouldn't have to endure another break in between books. I read the first five books in the series in about 6 weeks, I read every night late into the night. I barely heard my husband talking as I read whenever we were in the car together. The Outlander series isn't just a romance series or improbable time travel. The historical detail is incredible. Diana Gabaldon has crafted a complex series of characters based on historical events. Best of all, each book was 800 to a 1000 pages. Life seemed a little surreal when I finished the first five books as though I were emerging from the 18th century into the modern world. Scenes and lines from the books would pop into my mind at random moments.

I had to wait a year or so until the sixth book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes was published. I was not disappointed and after reading it, I listened to the entire book on CD over a period of about 2 months. I had to save the CD version for times I was alone in the car as the girls enoy books on cd and I couldn't take their questions six books into the series.

The seventh book, An Echo in the Bone, was satisfying, but ended on a cliffhanger, so I have been biding my time, checking DianaGabaldon.com (click the German flag at the upper left hand of the site for the German edition) for tantalizing bites of the next installment.

I love to read, so much more than watching TV. I tried to instill in the girls that books were sort of TV for the mind. The twins are readers, but the oldest seems to be content with reading children's books to the little ones. I am purchasing a Nook Color this weekend and will buy the ebook edition of The Outlandish Companion. This was a summary of character development, historical research, drawings, etc. of the first four novels. I have thumbed through it several times without purchasing as I didn't need any help, but I think it will be a good reference/guide in the color e-edition.

Monday, May 16, 2011

In the Palm of His Hand

January 17, 1937 - May 15, 2011

Msgr. Joseph Roth is now singing with the angels in heaven. His sweet tenor rendition of the Irish Blessing brought tears to my eyes at the end of each mass celebrated by Msgr. Roth I was privileged to attend at The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist.

Msgr. Roth was also a fire fighter and his homily during the funeral of the Charleston 9 brought a a quiet dignity and meaning to such a senseless loss.

I last heard this beautiful blessing in May, 2010 when Msgr. Roth returned to the Cathedral to celebrate the Restoration of the Cathedral and the installation of the steeple.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday @ the Isle of Palms

Gene had to work, Charlotte needed to rest, but it was too beautiful to stay inside so Carrie and I spent the day at the beach. Mini subs from Jersey Mikes, a good book, and a few naps later ...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday in Beaufort

Training all day so no time for lunch, but a nice dinner (and view)on the porch @ Plum's before driving home.

I gave myself 30 minutes to swing and read after dinner then on the road home.