Monday, February 15, 2016

President's Day

We had a holiday from school and work. Brunch at Bagel Nation where I cried when I read the news of Pat Conroy. Charlotte was quite sympathetic. She has not read much of Mr. Conroy's work, but has seen most of the movie adaptations. Some time on Folly watching the surfers this dreary day.

I celebrated my 70th birthday  in October  and realized that I’ve spent my whole writing life trying to find out who I am and I don’t believe I’ve even come close. It was in Beaufort in sight of a river’s sinuous turn, and the movements of its dolphin-proud tides that I began to discover myself and where my life began at fifteen.

I have recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. With the help of the wonderful people at M.D. Anderson I intend to fight it hard. I am grateful to all my beloved readers, my friends and my family for their prayers. I owe you a novel and I intend to deliver it.

Much love,

Pat Conroy

My publisher, Nan A. Talese, will forward mail 

Pat Conroy

c/o Doubleday, 1745 Broadway, 13th floor, New York, NY 10019

DDAYPub@randomhouse.comh if Mr. Conroy's work, but has seen most of the movie adaptations. then over to Folly to watch the surfers on this stormy day.

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