Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Commentary

I have had my fill of bad decisions that cause harm to children. Children need both parents, a stable home with routines, adequate food, clothing and above all, nurturing.

Women, make good decisions about the choice of fathers for your children. The husband/wife relationship is sacred and is the starting point of the home life necessary for the positive growth and development of your children.

Men and women, make sure your commitment to your spouse is strong before bringing children into this world. If the relationship is broken beyond repair, make sure you keep the welfare of your children above all else in establishing new homes. Non custodial parents have to continue to be an active part of a child's life. Do not become a dead beat parent as you are responsible for the financial and all other areas in the support of a child's life.

Men and women, do not introduce girlfriends and boyfriends into the lives of your children until you are developing a serious relationship with a future spouse. Each new person introduced to your children causes confusion, grief and loss for the child. You also increase the risk of abuse of your child.

Choose your spouses wisely. Criminal records, poor or non-existant employment histories, suspension of driver's licenses, etc. are clues that this person will not establish a stable household and relationship.

Parents who nurture their children ensure the educational, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health and growth of their children. Read to your children every day, teach prayers for meal time and bedtime. Participate in the educational process to ready your child for school and once they are in school. This means teaching your children the basics of life before they are school age. It is true that much of a child's life is formed by the age of five. This also means that you attend PTA meetings, report card meetings, awards days, etc. You check your child's bookbag and folders everyday. You ensure that your child has a quiet place to study and is able to complete their homework and projects. If your child needs additional assistance, an IEP is not a free pass for never participating in your child's education. In fact, your child needs your input and support more than ever if they have learning difficulties.

Do not physically punish your children and do not allow girlfriends/boyfriends to punish your children. Teach your children right from wrong, be an example to your children. Redirection and meeting the needs of your children will leave no reason for physical abuse. Supervise your children, establish a bedtime, stick with the bedtime - sleep deprivation is a major cause of irritable and inattentive children.

Your children need you, they are dependent upon you to be a grown-up and take responsibilty for their welfare. An occasional date night will help maintain positive marriages. You make arrangements for a babysitter or relative to provide that alternative care. It is no longer time for you to party. Your home life is not stable if you are partying two or more nights a week and leaving your children with random people.

Work - teach your children about responsibility and provide an example of a good work ethic. Welfare, housing allowances, and food stamps are not supposed to be a way of life. It is ok to need assistance in times of trouble, but it is not ok to be an able bodied adult and live off the toil of others. Get up in the mornings, take a shower and get dressed for the day. Do something productive with your life and the lives of your children.

Provide for your children even if you have to make sacrifices. Buy clothing that is appropriate for the season and fits your child. Do not depend upon the generosity of others as they are making the sacrifices you refuse to make for your children. Give up cigarettes and alcohol - the cost of these items will allow you to provide for the necessities of life for your children.

I am so tired of seeing the results of the bad decisons of people who should not be parents. Children are precious and gifts from God.

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