Saturday, February 25, 2012

Keith Urban - For You from Act of Valor

This was Gene's movie selection tonight. I did have to cover my eyes at times, mostly non actors so character development is really not there, but this movie is inspirational. God bless our soldiers for all they do to serve and protect.

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day

A day of babysitting, some fun, lots of praying for a nap, wiping down walls when both thought it was funny to throw half full cups over the railing. The water wasn't so bad, but the orange hours worth of cleanup for a 30 second nap and ten seconds of destruction - priceless.
Behavior is an issue in school as someone had to go to the principal's office last week and didn't earn a single sticker all week! I was happily surprised when Maddie sat with Charlotte and did 8 workbook pages with very little prompting. Psycho-educational assessment on 03/08/12.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

SEWE Saturday

So much to see in one day so we didn't make it to everything.
This was my favorite painting and it is a $3000 reproduction. I asked if prints were available, but the answer was "no." The light, details, and imagery are incredible.
My tastes are eclectic. This bottlecap lab was also incredible (and not quite as expensive.)
Ok. I have 4 old windows from Ashley Hall that I bought for $20 from Page's in Mt. P. The chain and links cost more than that at Home Depot. The windows are hanging on our back yard wood fence and now I know what to do with them! This was $300.00 Umm,a mirror for backing, lots of stuff around the house to put in it already, some water sealant. I'll bet I can do this for less than $50.00
We both entered the drawing for this. I am not usually lucky enough to win stuff so I might have to check this out for possible purchase. Light weight, many different combinations for the interior, beats the heck out of sleeping on the ground. Maybe we can go back to spring and fall camping on Hunting Island.
A few pictures of the rescued wildlife from the Busch Gardens Tampa program at the Gaillard. We missed the Jack Hanna program, but passed Mr. Hanna in the hall @ Charleston Place. A good day made even better with lunch at the Mello Mushroom and dinner at the Taco Spot.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pets Avoiding the Cold

Saturday was "visit the vet" day. Poor Felix had a bad reaction to his immunizations so Felix and I went back to the vet for iv treatment for the rest of the afternoon.

Old Man Winter finally blew into town last night with 25 to 35 mile an hour winds and low temps in the 20s. The pets are avoiding the chill in the house for the most part.
Vince is one cool and comfortable cat.
Felix is better today. His face is back to almost normal and he is breathing easy.
Josie? I found Josie hiding on Jack's bed.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

A 70 plus degree Saturday in February

My youngest niece's basketball game - she is number 23. Maddie actually sat still for the game.
A little swing time with Katie, Zach, and Aunt Kim @ Irvin Vineyard on Wadmalaw Island.
A little lunch and enjoying the music at this oyster roast. Uncle David and Poppa took the kids through the gardens and animal area while Aunt Kim and Mimi enjoyed the wine introduced today!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

School Days - Charlotte

Many good memories from homeschooling high school.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Carrie in High School

Home School memories of Communication Club, Movie Club, Field Trip Club, and Book Club on alternating Fridays afternoons, Thursday afternoons were Manners Club (interview skills, job preparation, etiquette, ballroom dance), Wednesdays were full days of formal instruction at Citadel Square Church's Home Education Learning Partnership program, with the rest of academic work at home. It was a good fit for C and C. Some of the other youth in these pictures are now college graduates and in graduate school. One of the blondes is married and a hair stylist. Most graduated from Trident Tech the year they graduated from high school - an interesting and eclectic group of young people.