Monday, August 16, 2010

Raining on Sunday

Gene and Charlotte had the duo on Saturday while I worked. They tried to take them to the pool, but were turned away several times by rain/thunderstorms. Everyone was ok as we left for church on Sunday as the skies appeared to be clearing. Appeared is the word as the rain began as we pulled in the parking garage and didn't let up for several hours. The flooding on Market Street sent us to Mt. P for lunch. Maddie just couldn't take it anymore and began to cry as she realize it would be impossible to enjoy any time at the pool. She did learn the old saying "Rain, rain go away ..." She woke up about 4 this morning and came upstairs to get in our bed. She had a hard time going to sleep as she kept saying "I told you to go away rain, I said so, now go away."

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