Saturday, August 24, 2019

Back to school - not ...

Maddie had an accident the last afternoon of camp this summer. A call to pick her up and Coach Nate had to carry her to my car. A trip to an urgent care, then the Children's  ER and Maddie was admitted to MUSC. A crack in the crown of her left femur! Yikes, surgery the next day (the first day of school). 3 screws to hold everything in place. Maddie asked the Orthopedic surgeon if he bought the screws at Home Depot🙂
Discharged in a wheelchair, but to use a walker at home. She had physical therapy to learn to walk up and down the stairs at home.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Summer Camp

Maddie enjoyed her time as a junior camp counselor this summer at a karate camp
Two trips a week to the waterpark,the movies once a week, and area attractions once a week.

Maddie had a great time and grew a lot becoming a leader. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Last days of summer

The last of summer. Back to school on the 21st! Poor Spencer and Daniel have been in school for 3 weeks as school resumes the first of August in Georgia.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Charlotte follies

I took Maddie and my niece to visit my sister and her youngest (who was home for summer break). The girls enjoyed time in the pool and hanging out. We spent a day at the National Whitewater Center. Great fun except when I fell out and crashed into a rock.
We hated to say goodbye, but my sister and her husband are moving back to Charleston in the late fall. So happy, but their girls remain in school at the University of Wisconsin (one in Osh Kosh and one in Green Bay).

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Summer 2019

Maddie's favorite weekend was the tax free weekend Carrie came to visit (alone). Maddie enjoyed all of Carrie's attention at the pool, beach and shopping. We also really enjoyed spending a day at Edisto with our Columbia granddaughters.