Saturday, May 27, 2017

Josie, August 12, 2000 - May 26, 2017

We are grieving the loss of our dear Josie. We adopted Josie at 8 weeks of age. Josie was the best of dogs. She had the self appointed job of guarding the backyard from her perch on the swing or a dog bed. Josie did great work as the snakes, possums and squirrels who made it on the ground rarely escaped. Josie had been in retirement the last couple of years, losing her sight over a year ago. Josie's passing has left us bereft. Charlotte has cried so much for the pup she had since she was 10 years old.

Josie was a magnificent Jack Russell Terrier. Josie was a "raw flame, a live wire" in her youth. Josie has fulfilled her dog purpose in this life. Josie loved her girls, Carrie, Charlotte, and Maddie. The girls and the parents loved Josie.

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Some work today, but Carrie and the boys came last night for a weekend visit. Poppy took the crew (minus a too tired Charlotte) to a birthday party this afternoon.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

Poppy bought a new truck on Friday. Now we are ready for Ocracoke and 4x4 riding on the beach! Some rain, shopping, visiting the nursing home on Saturday. A beautiful day on Sunday. Mass, lunch at Evo, Maddie had a visit with her mum, then we visited Poppy's brother and family as they are vacationing in Charleston this week.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Pine Island Retreat

SCYAP's annual retreat today at Pine Island on Lake Murray. Fellowship, encouragement, a beautiful day.
Charleston staff posed for a few pictures.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Birthday Weekend!

Charlotte and Carrie turned 27 on Sunday! We met in Beaufort for a birthday lunch on Saturday as I had to host a work event in the afternoon. Charlotte wanted to go fishing on her birthday. We finished the celebration with dinner at Andolini's.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Goodbye April!

The last weekend in April was busy as usual.