Thursday, July 31, 2014

Mandolin Orange - "The Runaround"

The Sawyer Sessions - great acoustics for my favorite duo.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ooh, ooh Miss Grace

Charlotte's kitty, Miss Grace, has been sleeping upstairs the last few nights.

"Outlander" Preview at Comic-Con 2014 - TVLine

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fishing v. The Pool

Poppy and Charlotte went fishing this very hot day. Maddie,  Spencer and his parents cooled off with me at the pool.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Dr. Taylor

The doctor checking her own blood pressure.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Written in My Own Hearts Blood

        A few years ago I was introduced to the Outlander series written by Diana Gabaldon. I was told to read the books already written in order and found, to my relief, that there were four books already in print and a fifth was soon to be published. I began with Outlander, raced to the library for the next, Dragonfly in Amber, and went to Barnes and Noble for the third and fourth, Voyager and Drums of Autumn. It took me about six weeks to read these wonderfully long novels that defy genre. I read at every opportunity and remember distinctly feeling out of time as I looked up from the written page at my surroundings on Kiawah with the sounds of surf and the girls playing nearby.
        I made a point of purchasing the fifth book, The Fiery Cross, on the day of publication and re-entered the world of Jamie and Claire for a couple of weeks. I had to wait a couple of years for the 6th book, A Breath of Snow and Ashes, and even longer for the seventh book, An Echo in the Bone. I was so disappointed when Diana left me with a cliffhanger at the end of Echo as I knew it would be a while before the next book was published.
        I've reread the series once, I listened to Outlander, Dragonfly in Amber and Voyager on CD, I've even walked and biked the paths of Ocracoke looking for Bree, Roger, and the children's steps through time. I've checked out Compuserve, and become a fan of the STARZ production of Outlander - soon to give me a reason to watch TV again.
        Four long years later, the eighth book, Written in My Own Hearts Blood, was published. MOBY, as it is known, debuted at the top of the NY Times bestsellers list. I was not the only reader eager for more in the saga of some of my favorite fictional characters. I decided to read this book slowly as I know it will be a long time before the 9th book (yes, Diana says the story is not finished) is written and published. I savored every word and took about 4 weeks to read this book. I normally read two to three books a week (I don't care much for TV) so I really took my time, rereading some of the historical passages as they added such a nuanced feeling to the times, and find that this is probably the best so far of the series.
         I do have to wait for the next installment, but the ending of MOBY was so satisfactory that the story, if it has to end, could do so at this point. I do not have to wait long for an Outlander fix as the STARZ series, a production of Ron Moore, begins airing on August 9th. You can bet I will be home watching TV that Saturday night!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday on the Isle of Palms

Breakfast @ Bagel Nation, then time on the beach. A good day reading and napping after all the work phone calls.

I caught Vince snoozing this evening.

Monday, July 21, 2014

The Beaufort Gazette

                                              Charlotte's picture was in the Beaufort Gazette!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sunday lovely Sunday

Poppy tested his fishing kayak while Charlotte and Maddie went to Beaufort with me to work Children's Day @ the Water Festival. We had dinner with Spencer and family tonight.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Saturday evening at the pool.

Maddie went to Conway with Poppy this am to buy a fishing kayak. Charlotte and I ran errands in town and Charlotte had a haircut (she doesn't like to pose for pictures). We ended the day with a picnic at the pool.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

It's a boy!

Spencer's little brother will be here in late November. He is 21 weeks gestation in this ultrasound.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Charleston Riverdogs

Maddie accompanied me to a work related function at the Riverdogs baseball game this evening. It was a double header, but the second game was rained out.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Isle of Palms Sunday

Rain = lunch in the truck and a little shopping before returning to the beach.

Friday, July 11, 2014

The end of an era.

We said goodbye to the Josea tonight. This Seapro boat gave us lots of joy and adventures.over the past 13 years. She will have many more years of adventure in Myrtle Beach with a new family.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Simmering in the low country.

July returned with heat and humidity.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A cloudy, rainy Sunday

Maddie was quite the tired, sweet girl before the movie. It was back to playing with Poppy ' s phone as soon as she realized she had one more night with us. The movie, Echo, was ok for a kid's movie. At least, it wasn't a cartoon.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A note from the past.

I love you too Carrie. You have grown up and are such a good mommy to your sweet boy.