Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday ... all day long!

Good behavior seemed a thing of the past today. We dropped Carrie off at work and began to drive towards church when we realized that mass began in less than 10 minutes. It is amazing how time can get away from you while dealing with tantrums.

So we went back home, changed our clothes and left the house for everyone's sanity. It was a good thing that Poppa joined us today as it took 2 people to keep up with the wild one. We had an early lunch @ Wild Wings in Mt. P., then off to play @ IOP park in the great weather.Diva Maddie begged so hard to go back to the Children's Museum that we went there for the last hour and a half of the day. Thank goodness that all are now asleep.

Saturday @ the Children's Museum

Jack and Maddie had so much fun meeting Amelia. Madison was on her best behavior all morning and Jack tried until nap time was calling! Aunt Charlotte and Aunt Carrie loved their time with their nieces and nephew.

Polar Bear Week

means Jack enjoying painting with shaving cream and making beary cupcakes for snack time.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

School Days

School and work again this week (odd that Charlotte seems to think she is exempt from this.) Jack had fun learning about bears and making paw print crackers. Madison and class made minestrone soup from scratch and their own popcorn.

Friday, January 21, 2011

MLK holiday

We spent a couple of hours at Chik-Fil-A on MLK day. The indoor playground and ice cream is awesome on a rainy day. We honored Dr. King by keeping peace in the household!

Monday, January 10, 2011

How to spend a rainy, icy Monday!

Thank goodness for nap time because that was the only quiet time of this very long day. The cats had a much better day with lengthy naps.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Cold Winter Day!

Kristy had a visit with the children on Saturday while I worked. They were glad to see her for the first time since Christmas.

They were pretty rowdy this am so we gave Poppa and Charlotte a break. Carrie helped me take the children out for the day. We took them shopping, ate our lunch at the Summerville boat landing, walked the trail around this area of the Ashley, played at Gahagan Park, then visited Uncle Jimmy and family before heading home. Yeah for Carrie!

Daniel Island Academy activities

Maddie's class spent some time helping with a younger class. Her class now writes their name, day of the week and the date into their journal from the whiteboard. It is tough to no longer trace this information.
Jack really enjoyed painting this week. His class also started potty training. He is trying everyday!

Happy New Year!

We enjoyed apending time together over the long New Year's weekend. All were able to return to school and work on Monday the 3rd.