Monday, February 19, 2018

Presidents' Day Weekend

A 4 day weekend for me, but only 3 for Maddie as 02/19 was a hurricane make-up day! I took Friday off work as Maddie was out of school for a teacher work day. We had a MUSC appt then spent the rest of the day at Magnolia Gardens. Maddie spent time with her tutor on Saturday morning. They worked on this quarter's weather science project. Sunday was a dump site clean up. That's right, Charlotte's room received a deep clean. Over 20 bags of trash, 7 bags if recyclables, mounds of clothes that I have been sorting and washing today. Charlotte now has to allow daily admission to her room for "search and seizure of trash."
We are trying to get the house ready for market. Painters were in this week and completed work on the great room and entrance. We needed to have those 18 ft walls contracted as we are getting a little old for that level of painting!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Oysters and The Crown

Work on Saturday with an expo at the convention center. Maddie went to a birthday sleepover so Poppy and I had an evening out. Evo is so good near Park Circle. An oyster roast at Home Team BBQ on Sunday.
The Crown is a series I recently heard of during awards season. I began watching it a couple of weeks ago when I had the flu. I finished the first two seasons this weekend - 20 episodes in 2 weeks. It is wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed each episode - wonderful character studies in a beautifully filmed production. I must say that King Edward VIII was a terrible man. I had to research (aka google) as much as I could about the Duke of Windsor. What a jerk.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Super Bowl weekend.

Some sunshine on Saturday, but a rainy Sunday. Knocked out last week and weekend by the flu. Better this weekend, but busy as we have begun getting our house ready for market. The stager came out and provided suggestions for each room. We rented a storage unit and cleaned out the guest room. It will be the first room for painting with a new job each weekend. Should keep us busy until spring. Charlotte's room (aka Charlotte the Hoarder) will prove to be the most challenging.