Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween 2017

A foster family party with trick or treating this afternoon. Maddie had a full school day, a6th and 7th grade fall festival, helped at my work party, then trick or treated in her high heels. She was worn out by the end if the day.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Another October weekend

Folly on Sat for beach and fishing, KOA Campground in Mt. Pleasant on Sunday to visit family.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The second weekend in October

Dinner on Charlotte (!!!) and shoe shopping for Charlotte's new work shoes on Friday evening. Poppy took the girls to the beach on Saturday while I worked. Mass and a few errands on Sunday.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The first weekend of October

A warm and muggy weekend. Charlotte went to dinner with us on Friday, but had to work the rest of the weekend. Maddie finished a science project with help ( hindrance) from Vince. Some shopping, some tennis.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

A warm start to fall.

Temps were in the mid 90s until a cooler wave on Sunday. Charlotte went out to dinner with us on Friday, but had to work the rest of the weekend.Maddie spent the evening with her favorite cousin, Katie, on Saturday while we went to a work related event. We made a day trip to Georgia to visit Carrie and family on Sunday. Lunch at the Omelette Cafe and playtime in a park in Rincon, GA. We ended the day on the back porch with some yummy Cajun and plain boiled peanuts from Georgia.