Sunday, August 27, 2017

A welcome weekend.

The eclipse • the first full week of school • first week of after school tutor (named Amelia) • terrible traffic delays due to rain and a hostage/SWAT team incident • Charlotte's appts • work • whew!

So it was a pool day with me on Saturday and fishing with Poppy on Sunday. Some rest in between.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Traffic, Charleston style

Yes, the interstate, bypass, and secondary roads are clogged with cars. Yet, when on the peninsula, you find yourself behind carriages and tour vans. It is something similar every afternoon during school pickup.

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Total Eclipse of the Sun.

We didn't  want to go to any of the eclipse related events in the area. Too many people, too hot and I was on call. So we went to the pool as it is on a bluff with minimal canopy. We saw some of the partial eclipse, but clouds began to roll in. Thunder and lightning soon followed. The skies opened and rain began to pour minutes before the total eclipse. The temperature dropped, but we heard no birds nor unusual animal sounds. Only thunder, lightening and rain. Charlotte and the pets slept through it all back at the house.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Pre-eclipse weekend.

Charlotte joined us for dinner on Friday evening. Annual Beach Day on Folly for work on Saturday. Carrie came for a visit on her own (some errands for her and a break, but I missed the boys). We went to new home Open Houses Sunday afternoon as it was too hot to do anything without A/C.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

First Day of School

Maddie is now a middle schooler. It was a long day and she was asleep by 8:15 pm. 9 periods, 8 classes plus lunch!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Aunt Louise

A final morning in the mountains, a visit with Aunt Louise on the way home. It has been great reconnecting with our Dad's only living sibling. Aunt Louise is just wonderful and has great stories to share about our dad.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Green River Gorge Tubing

A family trip. More good food, laughs, and stories. Poppy's bbq for a late lunch then fajitas and margaritas night on the deck.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Saluda, NC

Uncle Mark and Aunt Teresa headed back to Florida in the morning. It rained so Maddie played inside for a while. Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Harriet arrived about lunch time. Uncle David, Aunt Kim and Katie arrived soon thereafter. We went into the village and shops and farmer's market. We celebrated Uncle David's birthday in the evening with pound cake and fresh peaches from the farmer's market.