Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Sunday

Brunch @ Carrie and Wes's house.

Carrie did not want to venture out this am as she is a week overdue. Wes worked all night, but got up to join everyone else after only a couple of hours sleep. Charlotte opted out of the Sunrise Service to stay home "to help Carrie." Um, I cooked everything last night except dessert to take so it would be stress free for Carrie. I believe Charlotte just wanted to sleep in this morning!
Back home for a nap, a movie, and a bike ride.

Easter Sunday Morning @ Magnolia Gardens

Up at 5:00 am to get ready for Sunrise Service. Post service pictures, but tour of the grounds cut short by rain.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Topping off a Wednesday!

Sweet girls and a ballerina friend!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday

We reversed our usual Sunday activities due to the storms and heavy rains that came through Charleston this morning.
We went to the museum in the afternoon, but waited until the 5:15 mass to celebrate Palm Sunday. The wiggles were in full force as they had to be relatively quiet and still after a day of indoore activities. Carrie is hoping for a pre-Easter appearance by the baby. We will know more after tomorrow morning's ObGyn appt. March 25th is the due date so we hope not too much longer.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Another Thursday in Paradise.

Charleston to Beaufort office, lunch with two of may favorite Beaufortonians: Tina and LaShawnda (CAPA rocks), USCB for COSY, office for Open House, Clean up and Back to Charleston by 9:30! All in a day's work.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Green and sunny this Sunday!

This is my beautiful Maddie, spending Sunday with Mimi!
This first granddaughter had a good day as she earned $5.00 before 9:am as she helped me take care of the animals, sweep and wet swiffle after breakfast (there are some benefits to getting up early) then we went to St. Patrick's Day mass, had lunch and spent some time on the Battery. We had to go home and get Mimi a new battery for the Pathfinder so did not get to go to the museum, but Maddie took it all in stride. Poppy had fun visiting his mom in Travelers Rest this weekend and missed all of the green fun in Charleston.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Eve

We parked as near King St. as possible so it was a short walk from the garage to the parade. Aunt Carrie did not feel like walking around so we drove over to the Isle of Palms for the afternoon.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Madison, the Best!

      Madison has had a tough week so Mimi wrote a story about a favorite granddaughter.

    Madison spent the night with Mimi and Poppy. Madison helped feed the dogs, Josie and Felix, and the cats, Alley and Vince. Madison really liked petting Alley because Alley used to be Madison's mom's cat. Alley is old now and grumpy so Madison petted Alley so easy. Alley purred, "you're the best, Madison."

  Madison got ready for bed, but was not too sleepy so decided to watch TV with Poppy. Madison started to get a little sleepy and her eyes began to close. Madison jerked her eyes open because she knew she needed two more things before going to bed. Madison jumped up and said, "Poppy, let's have a cereal bowl because I am hungry." Poppy was glad to have an excuse to eat a bowl of cereal before bedtime. Poppy and Madison each had a bowl of cereal. Poppy said, "You're the best first granddaughter Madison."

   Madison went upstairs and asked Mimi to rub her back. Mimi rubbed Madison's back while Madison sucked her thumb and twirled her hair as she fell asleep. Mimi leaned over and kissed Madison on the forehead and whispered, "You're the best Madison."

   The next morning Madison woke up Mimi and Poppy by jumping on their bed and saying "I'm hungry." Everyone went downstairs for breakfast then Madison played while everyone got ready for church. Madison helped feed the animals then cleaned up her toys so she could earn a dollar. Madison came upstairs to take her shower and get ready for church. Madison looked so pretty when she was all dressed. Madison twirled around in her dress while Mimi and Poppy said, "You're so pretty Madison."

   Madison kept Mimi, Poppy, Charlotte and Carrie entertained as they went to church. Madison sang along to her favorite Adele songs: Rumor Has It, Someone Like You, and Rolling in the Deep. Everyone was soon at church and Madison went to help Ms. Maricella in the nursery. Madison helped put out the toys, played with the other children, served snacks, and helped clean up when it was time to leave. Ms. Maricela told Madison to, "Please come back next week Madison. You are a big help, you're the best."

   Everyone went to have lunch at Wild Wing Cafe. Madison ate all the peppers and a lot of chips. Madison colored with Carrie while Charlotte played on her Nook. Soon the chicken wings were on the table and everyone was reaching for their favorite flavors. Madison told the waitress that she had on a pretty dress. The waitress said "Oh thank you, what a sweet little girl."

  Madison wanted to play outside so we went to the park at the Mt. Pleasant Bridge. Madison was the monkey bar queen. Other children watched the monkey bar queen and said "you're the best at monkey bars." Madison played some more then took a walk to the edge of the pier with everyone. Madison sang some songs on a little stage while Mimi made a movie of Maddie singing. Pretty soon Madison was sleepy and sat down on a bench with Carrie. Carrie patted Madison's hair and said " you're such a good niece, Madison, and I am lucky to be your Aunt Carrie."

   Everyone got back in the car and Poppy drove to the Yobe yogurt shop. Aunt Charlotte said, "You're the best Madison, because Mom and Dad will not come here when it is just me. I am lucky to get this treat because of you." Madison said, "Yes, Charlotte,you are lucky to be my Aunt Charlotte."

   Poppy drove everyone to Madison's house, but stopped to get a Wendy's Frosty for Jack. Madison hopped out of the car and gave the Frosty to Jack since Jack did not spend the night with Mimi and Poppy. Jack said, "You're the best, Madison, thank you for the Frosty." Daddy and Mommy gave Maddie a hug and said, "We are glad to see you baby girl." Maddie went upstairs to put away her clothes then came back downstairs to to hug Mimi, Poppy, Charlotte, and Carrie good-bye. Everyone hugged and said "see you soon."

   Poppy drove Carrie to her house. Uncle Wesley was just getting up since he worked all night in the Air Force. Uncle Wesley rubbed his eyes and said "Where's Madison?" Poppy said "we took Maddie home first today." Uncle Wesley said "Oh, I miss my lovely niece, Madison's the best." Poppy said "We will take Maddie home last next time so you can visit." Uncle Wesley was happy.

    Soon Mimi and Poppy were home with Charlotte. Charlotte watched TV before bedtime then came upstairs to say goodnight. Charlotte said "I miss Madison, it is quiet when she and Jack are not here, but at least they are not getting into my stuff!"

   The angels circled Madison and Jack's beds that night. The angels prayed for Madison and Jack and painted them with love. "You're the best, " sang the angels, "God loves you so much."

 "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world,
  red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight.
  Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world.

  Everything is beautiful, in it's own way.
  Like a starry summer night, or a snow covered winter's day.
  Everybody's beautiful in their own way
  Under God's heaven, the world's going to find a way..."
                                                       - Ray Stevens, sort of

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Summer in the South by Patrick Davis 05-0-'2012

It was too dark to get decent video in the Circular Church, but here is a favorite Patrick Davis song from another venue. Patrick is a good songwriter (exceprt for the lamecock songs) and his dad, Rusty Davis, is a friend and customer of Gene. Rusty plays the electric guitar in Patrick's band whenever local. Rusty is in this video, to the left of Patrick.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Saturday evening with the girls & Patrick Davis.

Air Force duty for Wes, so just the four of us tonight.
Patrick Davis concert @ the Circular Church.

A short walk as Spencer's cradle has dropped and causes the mom to be a lot of pressure.

Everyone was mores than ready for the very late dinner @ TBonz.

Mandolin Orange - "Runnin' Red"

I came home from work tired and thoughts of crashing for the evening. I had to make myself stay upright so tackled a few chores, watched Candice Glover on American Idol, got ready to go out, then had a great two hours @ the Pour House until the wee hours of the morning. What would draw an aging person out on a week night (translate to work night)? Mandolin Orange!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Candice Glover - Ordinary People

Ms. Glover, a resident of St. Helena Island, SC (between Beaufort and Hunting/Fripp Islands) shared her star power with America tonight.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Junior Mechanic

Jack, almost three years ago.

Jack is now a working man and spends time at his dad's shop.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cold Winter Sunday

Maddie spent the night @ Carrie's new house, but knew there was "more action" with Mimi and Poppa so Poppa had to go get her this morning. We had lunch at home then went downtown.

Maddie the checkout girl @ the grocery @ the Children's Museum.

                                              Maddie, the painter.
48 degrees as the high temperature and a brisk wind meant huddling for a picture.

Cold, but smiling.
Maddie requested dinner "downtown, not in the burbs." Wildwing Cafe and a bowl of hot peppers made for a satisfied six year old!